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New Paragraph

  • If wars are started by lies, peace can be started by truth

    Julian Assange

  • Truth has no ideology

    Until we know the truth, to a greater or lesser extent all ideologies are redundant.

    Julian Asange

  • People have said that I am anti-war

    For the record, I am not. Sometimes nations need to go to war, and there are just wars.

    But there is nothing more wrong than a government lying to its people about those wars, then asking those same citizens to put their lives and their taxes on the line for those lies.

    If a war is justified, then tell the truth and the people will decide whether to support it.

    Julian Assange

  • When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

    George R.R. Martin

  • When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals

    Edward Snowden


Veterans for Assange about

What we are, why we exist, how veterans can help and what we are not.

Veterans For Assange Campaign

VFA gives veterans an opportunity to show their support in the campaign to end the persecution of Julian Assange and to free him to return to his family.

To show that this is not in their name.

To defend press freedom and the ability of citizens to hold our governments to account.

To defend values that are essential to sustain democracy.

VFA is non partisan. We welcome indeed encourage support from across the political spectrum.

To paraphrase Julian Assange, "Truth and justice has no ideology"

Why Veterans For Assange

The vast majority of veterans signed up to defend their nation and to protect the values of liberty, justice and rule of law.

They did not sign up to fight interminable wars on foreign soil. To watch as innocents are maimed and killed in fruitless conflicts.

Veterans are also victims of the lies that lead us into wars.

Rightly or wrongly people often give more weight  to the opinions of veterans.

We need them to stand up for the truth, to stand up for justice, to show their support for Julian Assange and to defend a free press.

How veterans can help

Send a short comment for the "Not in our name"  campaign. Ideally with a photograph of yourself.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Write a blog post for VFA.

Act as a VFA spokesperson.

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What we are not

VFA is not here to excuse or justify crimes committed by our governments or our military.

If war crimes are committed they should be investigated and appropriate action taken.

We all gain from the rules of war. Not least our own military personnel.

VVeterans tell it as it ist

Retired US Colonel Ann Wright who has 29 years military experience discusses why Wikileaks matters

Ethan McCord - Veterans for Peace 25th Annual Conference
Ethan was the first soldier to attend the bongo van in the incident revealed by Collateral Murder.

Daniel Ellsberg Warns U.S. Press Freedom Under Attack in WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Extradition Case - "No journalist in the world will be safe"

NewEisenhower Media Network, and former Marine Corps officer Matthew Hoh sets the record straight on WikiLeaks.

With thanks to the EMN for permission to share Paragraph

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Not in our name

Whatever their views on the justification for a particular war people instinctively feel a loyalty to those who we send overseas to fight on our behalf.

This loyalty is understandable, in a democracy we are all responsible, to a greater or lesser extent for what is done in our name. Our military personnel are prepared to risk all and should expect some loyalty from those who put them in harms way.

We should not though let this loyalty blind us to the political persecution of Julian Assange who published the truth about what was done by governments in our name. The truth about the brutality of war that governments and media hide from the public.

We should also not let governments use this loyalty to stop us defending Julian Assange, doing the right thing and ending his political persecution for publishing the truth.

Not in our name

Join the "Not in our Name" campaign to end this shameful attack on journalism and help end the persecution of Julian Assange

"Not in my name, thank you.”

Jane Faber, New York

“End this now.”

John Smith, Columbus, Ohio

Marine veteran

" I did not sign up to fight to allow my government to jail journalists.

I thought we valued free speech, and the rule of law”

John Smith, Jersey City

“The people need to know what is going on. What is being done in their name. The brutal truth of the reality of war.

If that truth upsets you, so be it”

Mack Jones, Basingstoke, UK.

Former Lance Corporal Wessex Regiment

Blog Highlights

The "put lives at risk" fallacy

Pushing back on years of smears and lies

The accusation made by our governments and parroted by much of the media that Wikileaks put lives at risk has been one of the most damaging in the campaign for his freedom and to end the possibility of his extradition to the US to face 175 years in jail .....

“The only security of all is in a free press.”

There is a certain sad irony that the nation that passed the 1st Amendment has now persecuted Julian Assange for over a decade, ably assisted by the government of the United Kingdom........

Burn Pits - Wikileaks confirms health concerns

10 Dec 2006 document is a study by the US Air Force that describes significant health risks to personnel.

Wikileaks published evidence of this in 2009....

Guilty of Journalism Image

From an acclaimed independent journalist, this carefully-documented analysis of the government’s case against Julian Assange and its implications for press freedom acts as a crucial, compelling guidebook to Assange’s upcoming trial.

The legal action against Julian Assange is poised to culminate in a trial in the United States in 2023, and this book will help the public understand the proceedings. The establishment media's coverage of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's extradition case has focused on his deteriorating health and what CBS News called his “secret family,” but most of this coverage failed to detail the complex issues at stake against Assange. Guilty of Journalism outlines how WikiLeaks exposed the reality of American wars, the United States government’s unprecedented indictment against Assange as a publisher, and the media’s role in persuading the public to “shoot the messenger.”

This new book by Kevin Gosztola, who has spent the last decade covering Assange, WikiLeaks, and the wider war on whistleblowers, tells the full story based on testimony from dozens of witnesses. It examines abuses of power by the CIA and the FBI, including a spying operation that targeted Assange’s family, lawyers, and doctors. Guilty of Journalism offers a balanced and comprehensive perspective on all the events leading up to what press freedom advocates have called the trial of the century.

Guilty of Journalism is a joint production of The Censored Press and Seven Stories Press.

Secret Power Wikileaks and its Enemies

'I want to live in a society where secret power is accountable to the law and to public opinion for its atrocities, 

where it is the war criminals who go to jail, not those who have the conscience and courage to expose them.'

With complex and disturbing insights, Maurizi's tireless journalism exposes atrocities, the shameful treatment of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, on up to the present persecution of WikiLeaks: a terrifying web of impunity and cover-ups.

At the heart of the book is the brutality of secret power and the unbearable price paid by Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and truthtellers.

The Trial of Julian Assange

Melzer’s findings are explosive: in all four states involved, Assange has faced grave and systematic due process violations, judicial bias, and manipulated evidence. He has been exposed to constant surveillance, defamation and threats. Melzer also gathered consolidated medical evidence proving that Assange has suffered prolonged psychological torture. Melzer’s compelling investigation shows how—through secrecy, impunity and, crucially, public indifference—unchecked power risks annihilating Western democracy and the rule of law. The case of Julian Assange sets a chilling precedent: for when telling the truth has become a crime, we will all be living in a tyranny

Ithaka the movie

A moving and intimate portrayal of one father’s fight to save his son, Ithaka exposes the brutal realities of the campaign to free Julian Assange.

The world’s most famous political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has become an emblem of an international arm wrestle over freedom of journalism, government corruption and unpunished war crimes.

Now with Julian facing a 175-year sentence if extradited to the US, his family members are confronting the prospect of losing Julian forever to the abyss of the US justice system.  This David-and-Goliath struggle is personal – and, with Julian’s health declining in a British maximum-security prison, the clock is ticking.

Now it’s up to Julian’s father, John Shipton, and fiancé Stella Moris, to join forces to advocate for Julian on this international odyssey. As they rally a world-wide network of supporters and politicians, they cautiously step into the media’s glare – and are forced to confront the events that made Julian a global flashpoint.


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